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Welcome to the site!

Hi, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Luna and I've been drawing traditionally and digitally for ten years and I've been writing novels for around the same amount of time as well.

I have been debating on creating a website for a while now and making my leap into freelancing officially for about two years now. I decided that since things are getting a little crazy, and not for the better for me, that maybe now's the time. At the time of writing this little introduction, it's January 2020 and this whole adventure was a resolution of mine so...why not?! O_O

I won't lie to you guys, I've never done any freelancing outside of friends and family and a few trusted people to try and practice freelancing and school only teaches us to expect so much. So I know that I'll mess up. I know I'm missing stuff from my site. I also know that I have a lot of learning to do as I continue this adventure. If you guys follow me through this journey, OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU'RE TRUE MVPs! If not, believe me I totally understand.

I think I'm going to try to make posts as I work on things, and learn so this way if anyone else is thinking of taking this adventure, we can do it together! If you guys have any tips or tricks, you can put them into the little contact section on the home page, they'll go to my email which is linked to my phone so I'll see them pretty much instantly unless I'm at my main job. You can also send them to me on my social medias, aka my twitter and my instagram, which are both linked on my home page as well.

Thanks everyone for your time and again, welcome to the site, and I hope to talk to you all soon!



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