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New Year, New Goals

Hello everyone, hopefully 2020 is leading you all down a good year so far. Sadly, it hasn't been too much on my side but that's okay! I'll power through it like always! As much as I want to go into it, I really can't so I'll leave it at that. :P

So today I finished my first art piece of 2020. This year I said I want to improve my turnabout and try to produce at least one piece a month and use my social media's more, more specifically my Instagram (shameless plug here follow me on Instagram cause i'm about to hit 100 followers :P). Originally when I created my Instagram, I wanted it to be ONLY my art work, twitch streams, and art work, but over time, I realized that I actually like Instagram. I hate facebook, and I kinda neglect twitter, but Instagram has let me connect to a lot of artists and friends and I'm so happy about that. Twitch helped with that as well and it's allowed my discord to grow, I have more people to talk to, and it's slowly helped me come back out of the turtle shell that 2019 caused me to hide in. I still have a lot of work to do on myself, but I know that I can do it.

So that leaves me to the goals of this year. I want to try using this blog to help others as well. I can't promise I'll make posts here often, but maybe a post every few weeks or something. Maybe this blog can help others who are in tough predicaments or something and if anyone needs someone to talk to, you can contact me and I'll try to help in anyway I possibly can.

I want to produce at least one piece of art work a month, I hope to get information soon on opening commissions and seeing if I can take a few of those and how that would work, and maybe opening a Redbubble shop too for prints/merch. Lastly I also want to attempt to finish two manuscripts this year. One of them being the last main series book in the Ying Yang Mansion series I write with my sister Leona, and another currently unannounced series. (Well, I've hinted at it in stream a little bit, but not much.) They won't be out til next year, but hopefully they'll be written by years end and next year I'll just have to edit them.

Anyway, I've rambled on long enough. Hopefully you guys enjoy the new illustration, it'll be on the Instagram page, and I liked it enough so I'll probably put it in my online portfolio as well. I'll see you all next time and Blessed Be.

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