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2020 Has been CRAZY! Good and Bad

Hello everyone, It's been a long while since I've updated the blog. I honestly forgot I had a blog on my site. I thought that it's about time that I take a minute to sit down and reflect over the last few months. Especially because I've made a lot of changes for myself.

Firstly, I'll address the giant elephant in the room. The damned COVID pandemic. Yes, this pandemic has affected me and mostly negatively. It took a LOT from me but not in the sense that other people have. I'm lucky that I haven't lost any family members to the pandemic. Family members have gotten it, but we've all recovered and those who did have it, didn't really have it that bad. Not like they were saying on television and media. What the pandemic's taken away was my mental health.

For those who don't know, one of my cats, Simba, aka Butt if you tune into my twitch streams, (which why don't you it's a ton of fun and we'll love to have ya) had passed away shortly after my last blog post. In fact, I was streaming and found he had passed during a stream. After that, I went into a round of depression. I didn't want to do much of anything. I didn't want to draw, write, stream. Nothing. I went to my main job, endured hell from there cause everyone was still in the panic phase of pandemic, came home, read a little bit, and went to bed to do it all over again the next day. Sadly most of that still hasn't changed, but I'll get to that.

A family member came down with COVID. We went months without information because of other things prior to them coming down with COVID but that was stressful too cause it felt like all I could do was wait for my phone to ring and be given the dreaded news. Thankfully after some time, we were told it was never serious, but I'm sure you can understand how that can be nerve wracking.

Eventually, I said to myself, "Luna, you need to pull yourself back together."

So I started streaming again, I got more into my artwork, and I finally felt like I was at the point where I could open commissions up to the public and be paid for it. So I did! I got everything together to start doing commissions and I haven't had a ton of them so far, I've done a lot of emotes, but the commissions I have done, I LOVED doing. You probably saw most of the emotes I've done lately for my friends adam and xmikexauto. I've done a few more since then that I have to upload yet (probably going to do that later today) but with every commission I've done, I've learned something new as well. Either a new technique, found new brushes, how to engage with people for commissions because engaging with clients, to me, feels a ton different from engaging with people at my main job. I don't know if it's because of community, or what but it's helped me realize that yes my dream of being a full-time freelance artist, creating art for other communities and people, and writing my novels while editing other author's works are what I want to do with my life. My end goal. I'm not at a place that I can financially do that, but one day that will be the goal. I'll still make new goals in the future obviously, make new friends, etc. I still want to eventually go to an artist alley as an artist instead of as a merchant. (I can't wait to show you what I'm working on for that)

So that leads me up to now. I want to thank everyone for supporting me so far. You guys are helping me feel so much better about myself even during these uncertain times. The year is almost over, and to a lot of people it's just going to get even more uncertain, but I know we can get through it together. I want to thank anyone whose shown up to streams, commissioned me, visited the site, commented on instagram or twitter, anything. It's been a very "dark" year, but those little things shine a light through it for a while and I treasure them always. I can't wait to keep growing, to be able to show you guys that if you dream of doing this one day, you can. We'll be able to do it together so let's teach each other and grow with one another.

I'll talk to you all soon, and I hope you enjoy the rest of you're day and I'll see you either on stream, instagram, discord, etc. Have a great day!


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